Advancement of Science and Technology which was originally intended to facilitate the work of man, but in fact technology has given rise to new concerns and fear for human life. The fear felt by humans due to the development of this technology due to fears of abuse of their use by people who are not responsible.
Talking about the impact of science and technology and development, then we would be faced with a variety of fields, in fact almost all aspects of life in this world which can be influenced by the development of science and technology, as we see today, all the people in their everyday lives can hardly be separated of technology, everyone always side by side with HP (CellPhone), during breaks at home is always accompanied with television shows, and so forth. All of it is just a fraction of the influence brought about by the development of science and technology.
With the development of science and technology human family get various facilities in carrying out daily activities. Any person utilizing long-distance communication tools such as HP use to connect with others who are far apart. In addition to the various activities that were initially done using a lot of manpower to do it, now with the development of science and all that can be resolved with the use of engine power to do the job with a relative faster than manually using human power.
Some positive and negative impacts of technology development related to the education world;
Talking about the impact of science and technology and development, then we would be faced with a variety of fields, in fact almost all aspects of life in this world which can be influenced by the development of science and technology, as we see today, all the people in their everyday lives can hardly be separated of technology, everyone always side by side with HP (CellPhone), during breaks at home is always accompanied with television shows, and so forth. All of it is just a fraction of the influence brought about by the development of science and technology.
With the development of science and technology human family get various facilities in carrying out daily activities. Any person utilizing long-distance communication tools such as HP use to connect with others who are far apart. In addition to the various activities that were initially done using a lot of manpower to do it, now with the development of science and all that can be resolved with the use of engine power to do the job with a relative faster than manually using human power.
Some positive and negative impacts of technology development related to the education world;

a. Positive Impact
1. The advent of mass media, especially the electronic media as a source of knowledge and education centers, such as the Internet.
The impact of this is that the teacher is not the only source of knowledge, so that students in the study did not need to get too hung up on the information that was taught by the teacher, but also be able to access course materials directly from the internet, therefore teachers here not only as teachers, but as well as student mentors to guide and monitor the course of education, so that students are not misguided in using Information and Communication Media in learning.
2. Learning systems do not have to go through face-to-face
During this time, the learning process that we know that the learning is delivered only by face to face, but with the advancement of technology, the learning process does not have to bring together students and teachers, but can also use the postal service and other Internet.
3. The existence of a data processing system that uses the assessment results of the utilization of technology.
First, when people do a study, then to conduct an analysis of data obtained should be analyzed and counted manually. However, after the development of science and technology, all the duties that were once done manually and takes a long time, to be something easy to do, using media technology, such as computer, which can process data by using various programs.
4. Fulfillment will be Filled with Educational Facilities Fast
In the field of education is certainly a lot of things and materials to be prepared, just one example, namely;
a. doubling the exam, with a photo copy machines to meet the demand for the number of questions that many would take a long time to do it if done manually. But with the development of technology everything can be done in just a short time.
1. The advent of mass media, especially the electronic media as a source of knowledge and education centers, such as the Internet.
The impact of this is that the teacher is not the only source of knowledge, so that students in the study did not need to get too hung up on the information that was taught by the teacher, but also be able to access course materials directly from the internet, therefore teachers here not only as teachers, but as well as student mentors to guide and monitor the course of education, so that students are not misguided in using Information and Communication Media in learning.
2. Learning systems do not have to go through face-to-face
During this time, the learning process that we know that the learning is delivered only by face to face, but with the advancement of technology, the learning process does not have to bring together students and teachers, but can also use the postal service and other Internet.
3. The existence of a data processing system that uses the assessment results of the utilization of technology.
First, when people do a study, then to conduct an analysis of data obtained should be analyzed and counted manually. However, after the development of science and technology, all the duties that were once done manually and takes a long time, to be something easy to do, using media technology, such as computer, which can process data by using various programs.
4. Fulfillment will be Filled with Educational Facilities Fast
In the field of education is certainly a lot of things and materials to be prepared, just one example, namely;
a. doubling the exam, with a photo copy machines to meet the demand for the number of questions that many would take a long time to do it if done manually. But with the development of technology everything can be done in just a short time.
b. Negative Impact
Besides the positive impact generated by the development of science and technology, would also appear to be negative impacts caused by the development of science and technology in the educational process, among others;
Besides the positive impact generated by the development of science and technology, would also appear to be negative impacts caused by the development of science and technology in the educational process, among others;
1. Students learn to be lazy
With the equipment that should make it easier for students to learn, such as a laptop with internet connection, this fact often makes students become lazy to learn, sometimes many of them to spend time to surf that just brings sheer pleasure, such as Facebook, Chating, Twitter and other etc., all of which will certainly affect the students' learning interests.
2. Confidentiality of test tools for education is increasingly threatened
During this time we often see and hear on broadcast TV, on the leakage of examination questions, this is a result of the misuse of technology, because with the development of increasingly sophisticated technology, it can easily access information from one area to another, this is committed by some individuals to commit fraud related to leak exam questions, so these events are often unsettling the government and society.
3. Misuse of a data processing system that uses the technology.
With the technology of data processing systems, we find that often akli fraud in conducting data analysis results of research conducted by students and even college students, they are doing this to facilitate personal interests, regardless of the results of research conducted.
With the equipment that should make it easier for students to learn, such as a laptop with internet connection, this fact often makes students become lazy to learn, sometimes many of them to spend time to surf that just brings sheer pleasure, such as Facebook, Chating, Twitter and other etc., all of which will certainly affect the students' learning interests.
2. Confidentiality of test tools for education is increasingly threatened
During this time we often see and hear on broadcast TV, on the leakage of examination questions, this is a result of the misuse of technology, because with the development of increasingly sophisticated technology, it can easily access information from one area to another, this is committed by some individuals to commit fraud related to leak exam questions, so these events are often unsettling the government and society.
3. Misuse of a data processing system that uses the technology.
With the technology of data processing systems, we find that often akli fraud in conducting data analysis results of research conducted by students and even college students, they are doing this to facilitate personal interests, regardless of the results of research conducted.
Source : - translateinggris
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